Kamis, 27 Agustus 2009

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Senin, 17 Agustus 2009

Sabtu, 01 Agustus 2009

Hair Loss After Pregnancy! Is It Normal?

As if it wasn’t enough to go through 9 months of hormone assault, hours of labor and an emotional rollercoaster to drive you crazy, the next thing you have to contend with is hair loss! In this brief article, I would like to mention a few things about hair loss after pregnancy. Hopefully after you have read this article, things will start to look a whole lot brighter and you would be feeling a lot more reassured.Hair Loss After Pregnancy! Is It Normal?

Hair loss associated with pregnancy period is quite common. Along with a lot of other changes that occur with pregnancy, hormones often cause hair to fall out. Hair loss during pregnancy may be minimal in one woman, but may be very noticeable in another woman.

Many women actually experience hair growth during pregnancy, but hair loss after pregnancy. This is perfectly normal and often the changes are only temporary. Pregnancy does crazy things with hormones and you never really know what is going to happen! Hormone levels re-adjust after childbirth and hair often fall out in an attempt to rebalance it self. For post pregnancy care of your hair, follow the tips mentioned below.

Hair Loss Tips:

# For ensuring a proper balance of hormones, consult your health care provider.

# Avoid hairstyles or hair instruments which can pull and stress your hair.

# Eat a diet high in fruits and vegetables, which contain fibers and antioxidants that protect the hair follicles and support hair growth.

# Avoid shampoos and conditioners which contain more chemicals. Go the natural organic way.

# Avoid stress. It tends to severely affect the hormones and your hair. Enjoy sex with your partner, for instructions on sex after pregnancy consult your health care provider.

# Hair is more fragile when wet, so be gentle and avoid sharp tooth combs to comb wet hair.

# To look good after pregnancy, if you need to use blow dryers and other such heated hair instruments, try to use the cool to warm setting.

# Supplement your diet with nutrients rich in Vitamin B complex, Vitamin C, Vitamin E and Zinc.

Don’t worry, take it all good spirit and remember that anything is worth bringing your healthy baby into the world. Whatever discomforts your hair loss after pregnancy might give you, in a couple of months your hair and your life will be completely different! You will be so busy with your baby; you might not even notice that your hair has grown back.

Rabu, 01 Juli 2009

Pregnancy Nutrition Guidelines For A Healthy Pregnancy (2)


According to the pregnancy nutrition guidelines, iron is important for production of hemoglobin in the mom-to-be and her fetus. Besides this, in the last trimester, your baby takes iron reserves from your body to keep anemia at bay in the first six months of it's life. Also, you lose a certain amount of blood during delivery. For all these reasons, it's crucial to increase the intake of iron.Pregnancy Nutrition Guidelines For A Healthy Pregnancy (2)

Your body needs only 27 mg of iron daily yet you need to take 60 mg because not all ingested iron is absorbed in the body. If you are found to be anemic, it's good to take pregnancy nutrition supplements of iron.

One of the tricks to absorb iron better is to take it with vitamin C enriched foods. Tomato juice, orange, or grapefruit are good options. Avoid taking them with milk, cheese, or other calcium enriched foods, as calcium hampers the absorption of iron.


Pregnancy nutrition guidelines recommend a 25-50 % increase in the intake of vitamins. The requirement of folic acid doubles to 400 micrograms daily at this time. Eating a variety of foods in your pregnancy diet leads to the fulfillment of vitamin requirement.

Even if you think that you are taking a nutritious diet during pregnancy, it's important to have a look at pregnancy nutrition guidelines and read pertinent articles and books.

Senin, 01 Juni 2009

Pregnancy Nutrition Guidelines For A Healthy Pregnancy (1)

Pregnancy nutrition guidelines are necessary for pregnant women. It's true that during this time, you need just 300 calories extra daily. However, they should not be empty calories. Nutrition is the word here.Pregnancy Nutrition Guidelines For A Healthy Pregnancy

Read on to know about the exact nutrition during pregnancy that you need. It's not difficult at all to follow a well balanced vegetarian nutrition diet during pregnancy.


As per the pregnancy nutrition guidelines that are prepared by doctors, your calcium intake at this time should range from 1200-1500 mg daily. Calcium is vital for the healthy growth and development of your baby's bones, muscles, heart, and teeth. If you do not take adequate calcium, your baby will use your calcium reserves. This increases the risk of osteoporosis in you.

Your pregnancy nutrition chart should contain milk and its products. For lactose intolerant women, there are lactose-free milk products, buttermilk, soy milk, or cultured yoghurt. If this doesn't work, ask your doctor for calcium supplements.


During pregnancy, you need about 60 grams of protein daily for the healthy growth of your baby. Besides, it keeps your placenta, uterus, and breasts in a healthy state; it increases the volume of blood, and produces adequate amniotic fluid.

Jumat, 01 Mei 2009

How To Care After Pregnancy

The care given after pregnancy is very important for any new mother. Women are usually advised to stay at home to let their body heal by itself. At home you will have your family and close relatives to take care of your needs. You are advised to stay at home for at least a period of six weeks after child birth. You should give How To Care After Pregnancy this time to your body to recuperate and bounce back. Working mothers find it difficult to spare this time. So, it is necessary for them to plan their maternal leave keeping this time frame in mind.

Why is care given?

After pregnancy care is given to new mothers to:

# Detect any kind of infection or hemorrhage

# Reduce chances of baby infections or disorders

# Give a better understanding about nutrition, child care, breastfeeding and other necessary guidelines related to care for self and the baby

# Counsel on family planning

Care is also rendered to the umbilical cord. Your baby, when it was in the womb received its nourishment through the umbilical cord. This cord after delivery turns into a purplish blue stub. The stub which is about half or one inch in length takes close to 2-8 weeks to dry and fall off. It is necessary to prevent infection to this stub. The area should always be kept dry and clean. Only sponge bath is given during such time. The stub when it dries will fall off on its own and the place will heal automatically. Do consult your doctor if you suspect any bleeding or pus formation in that area. This could be due to an infection.

Rabu, 01 April 2009

New mothers can alleviate such symptoms

Some women after child birth undergo depression. This depressed state makes the women sad and moody. They like to be left alone and find the company of people a nuisance. Some women have a combination of depression, anxiety and a sense of panic. They consider themselves a burden to the family and neglect their work. They show no interest in anything and this can even adversely affect the care for the baby.New mothers can alleviate such symptoms

Another common post pregnancy symptom is baby blues. This sign can be seen as early as 4-5 days after delivery. These women are irritable and impatient, restless, suffer from insomnia, fatigue, feel low, sad, cry for no reason and have poor concentration on anything around them. Baby blues is said to last for few hours every day and may last from any time between 10 days to several months. If it prolongs for too long, it is advisable to consult a doctor.

# Talking to the people around

# Listening to music

# Doing activities that they enjoy

# Never sitting alone

# Trying to think positively at all times

# Keeping a smiling face

Care given to women after pregnancy will ensure a healthy mother as well as a healthy baby. There will be lot of cheer and happiness in the family. Never delay if you suspect a symptom. Attend to the problem before it aggravates. Keep your mind free from negative thoughts and you will see life in a beautiful way.